We do everything possible to ensure we breed healthy happy puppies. Parents are PRA DNA tested and free from any known issues. If thinking of owning a Miniature Dachshund you should make your self familiar with some of the more common problems that can affect the breed. Keeping your Puppy insured throughout life is highly recommended.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( PRA) Is a degenerative eye disorder that eventually causes blindness. There is no cure for this eye disorder. Fortunately, there is a DNA test for this condition so with responsible breeding there should never be any reason for an affected puppy to be born.
There are 3 possible statuses for your dog:
Clear – The dog has 2 normal copies of the gene; they will never be affected by PRA and can also never pass it to any offspring.
Carrier (often known as UNAFFECTED) – The dog has one normal copy and one affected copy. This dog will not be affected by the eye disorder however will be able to pass the affected gene on to about 50% of any offspring.
Affected – The dog has 2 affected copies of the gene and at some point in their life go on to develop PRA. They will eventually lose their sight and if they were bred would pass on their affected gene to all their puppies.

IVDD is a degenerative condition that affects the discs of the spine casing severe inflammation and pain. With the latest statistics being that 1 in 4 miniature dachshunds will at some point suffer with some degree of IVDD this is one of the main health concerns with this breed. While many will recover in time others will be at risk of permanent damage potentially resulting in paralysis.
This requires serious consideration as to if this breed is suitable for you. It is highly advisable to make sure you always have adequate cover for veterinary treatment should you ever be unlucky enough to experience this with your dog.
You may help prevent IVDD by making sure you keep your dogs’ weight down and not allowing them to become overweight therefore putting added stress on the back and neck.
Minimize jumping on and off furniture / chairs etc, you can buy ramps to help with this.
Use a well fitted harness for walking to help support your dog by not putting unnecessary stress on your dog’s neck

Pes Varus is a developmental bone condition where the tibia turns in towards the body and is most commonly seen in dachshunds. As affected puppies develop the inside part of the growth plate at the end of the shinbone doesn’t seem to grow as quickly as the outside and the led begins to bend inwards causing an abnormal gait or lameness.

Patella luxation ( loose knees) occurs when your dogs knee cap pops out from its groove. Miniature dachshunds can be prone to develop this condition due to their short legs which changes the angle of the knee cap.
Initial symptoms may be lameness, favouring one leg and holding the other one up. This condition is often treated surgically but may be avoided or minimised by keeping your dog a health weight and exercised regularly